
Milcombe Aerial Photos

Milcombe near Bloxham, North Oxfordshire. A quiet, peaceful little village that my wife and I call home.
Here we have a lovely village Inn, local shop and quaint church that are the main hubs of our community, but the streets themselves are often meeting places and it usually takes you longer to walk anywhere than you planned, as you almost invariably 'bump into' someone for a quick chat on the way.

One of my passions is flying, firstly as an Air Cadet and although I used to serve mainly on C-130 Hercules transport aircraft with the RAF, I have great fun flying my little Gemini Flash 462, 2 seat trainer microlight, plus the pleasure of passing on the 'buzz' to others that dared show an interest!

A useful by-product is availability of local aerial photos. I do not make money from this, nor do I usually take close up individual house pictures, rather village or part of village pictures.

So here are some of the pictures I have taken of Milcombe: (click for full size)

Hope they give you pleasure, feel free to download, as long as they are not used for any gain, or illicit purpose, without my permission. Full size JPEG files are available by clicking on them or emailing me at: All the best for now. Richard Bailey.

From other sources; pictures of Milcombe in 1959:

Bloxham and RAF Barford St. John, taken from the top of Fern Hill, Milcombe. (Oct 2009)

And finally a bit of fun for those who know the characters invlolved and the story behind it.....

1 comment:

Jony Gibson said...

Thanks for the pictures as they are certainly helpful. Besides those I’d also like to add one point if you allow me to do so whenever you’re doing aerial photography make sure that you focus on that also. Thus that will be more productive.

Aerial photos